Having lengthy voyage background our team members have also obtained relevant degrees and gained first-hand experience working at shipbuilding and ship repair yards. The board of directors made run a unique management system for personnel providing our team members with brilliant opportunities of advanced training and career growth.

Nikolai Mikulskiy
Director General
Nikolai Mikulskiy is Director General of MARINEX ITS Moscow since 2003.
Nikolai joined the profession over 20 years ago. He started with being of a shipmate constantly growing into higher positions. During all these years he has developed top-end expertise both in Engineering and Insurance knowledge required for his present role.

George Ossipov
George Ossipov is Director of MARINEX ITS St-Petersburg since 2003 and also Vice-President of National Association of Insurance Adjusters (NAIA).
For almost three decades of his professional career George has proven himself as a top performer and clear frontrunner in a field of Survey and Loss Adjustment.
Being first-class professionals all our specialists always arrive in time delivering their services in the most prompt and efficient way analyzing all circumstances in short extent fast and accurate and providing evaluations using their excellent customer service skills always striving to go above and beyond.